When I was a little girl, we're talking elementary school here, spring time officially began when mom said it was time to break out your little white Keds. Those were shortly followed by the sundresses, the ultimately uniform appropriate shorts. :D
Apparently Keds really branched out from white - have you checked out their shoes lately? I do recommend - and am seriously considering going back to the days of my Keds - which I will eventually wear with sundresses and shorts. What's old is new again... right?
My favorite Keds have green stripes with little pandas. Here's a pair on eBay- http://www.ebay.com/itm/KEDS-Eleanor-Green-Panda-Chinese-Frog-Embellished-Canvas-Skimmers-Flats-Shoes-6-/111037237797?pt=US_Women_s_Shoes&hash=item19da55ca25