Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Interview - Getting to know you JaredKS

Merry Christmas Eve to all! In order to celebrate this wonderful Holiday, I have gathered a slew of new Etsy Artist interviews! I am very excited to share my interview with JaredKS with you, please grab some chestnuts freshly roasted over an open fire, some egg nog, and enjoy!

JaredKS is an amazing Etsy store with beautiful photographs. The shop offers prints, magnets, notecards, pendants, and much more! (Each photo in this interview is clickable, so please, click away!)

^The beautiful banner of JaredKS

Jared May is a 33 year old from Riley, Kansas. Riley is located in the "absolutely gorgeous" Flint Hills. His spectacular photography has been years in the making as he began taking photographs at the age of 8! Here is a little glismps of Jareds work and his great sense of humor. He is a truly wonderful and down to earth Etsian who I am happy to have met.

Who inspired you to take up photography?
My mother is a photographer, and she got me started early. She was always great with constructive criticism, and she pushed me to be good at what I did rather than just take snapshots.

What is your favorite item in your shop?
My favorite photograph changes over time.
This one is my favorite at the moment:
^Spring Rebirth, 8x10, $25

I noticed that you've had hundreds of sales, what makes you so successful?
That's a tough one. I don't know why my photographs resonate with people. It fascinates me that often the ones I love are the ones that don't sell, and the ones that really speak to people are the ones I'm somewhat indifferent about.

I heard a composer on the radio the other day. He was asked if he thought his music would still be performed in fifty years, and his reply was that he didn't know. He shared with the interviewer that he could never tell while he was writing something whether or not it would be something that became popular, and I could really identify with that.

I loved his answer. He said he hoped they would fill their role for now and then take their place in the history of music and make room for new music.

In business terms, I'm a genuinely friendly guy who wants buyers to be satisfied with their purchases. It's important to me that people are pleased with their experience in my shop, and I make fantastic customer service a priority. I try to treat every buyer as if they were placing the most important order I would ever receive, and it's worked out. But I can't claim to be a business expert. Sales could dry up at any time. :)

^ Winter Wonderland, 5X7, $15

What is your New Years Resolution?
I don't remember ever making a New Year's Resolution. I think I jokingly once resolved not to make a resolution, but they're really not my sort of thing. I have very limited will power for doing things I don't really want to do, and I know I wouldn't follow through on it just because it was my resolution.

Have you ever or would you consider doing a craft show?
I've considered it, but I keep making excuses. "It's too hot." or "I don't have time." Maybe someday. :)

^Kansas Wildflowers Pendant, $12

What is your favorite item you have purchased off of Etsy?
Ah, so many wonderful things. My art collection has benefited greatly from my relationship with Etsy. I don't know that I can pick a favorite, but I'll share my two most recent art purchases.

I just picked up a second ACEO (I'm an addict) from silentlotus:

She creates watercolor paintings that create a sense of peace and calm and remind me of the fragile, delicate beauty of the natural world. I love them.

I also finally own a piece from Aja of sagittariusgallery:

I gushed in her feedback, so you can see the details there, but in a nutshell, her work is phenomenal, and I feel fortunate to own a piece.

What is your day job?
I teach math at an alternative high school. I absolutely love it, and even if I could live on my photography alone, I'm not sure I'd be able to give up working in schools.

Are there an words that you live by?
Enjoy today.

I had a very difficult picking a favorite item from Jared's shop, hence why there are so many photos in this interview... But, I do love this great set of photo magnets:

*** Thank you so much for taking time to answer my handful of questions Jared! You have a great shop and I wish you nothing but the best of luck and happiness for the New Year! ***

- Please leave comments for Jared, it's always great to hear what others think of your work!



  1. Thanks for your kind words, Anna, and for featuring my work. :)

  2. Awesome interview! I've often wondered about that Jared!

  3. such great pieces of work! glad I stopped by to check out your blog and read the interviews.

  4. Very, warm, vibrant colors! His photos have a nurturing feel to them.

  5. Thanks for all the nice comments, everyone. :)

  6. Great photos and interview!

    Positive mention of the Kansas Flint Hills always gets my attention.
    Hope your readers will stop by for a visit; a truly distinctive place!

    Dr. Bill ;-)

    Personal Blog:

    Our 22 county Flint Hills Tourism Coalition, Inc. promotes experiential tourism visits to the Kansas Flint Hills – the website is:

  7. Awesome interview. I love the first photo, "Spring Rebirth" - it's beautiful! :)


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