Monday, December 27, 2010

Life As We Know It - A Movie Review

I laughed.
Then I cried.
Then I laughed some more.


Katherine Heigl (Holly) & John Duhamel (Messer) have brilliant onscreen chemistry - or lack there of. The two are set up on a blind date by their married best friends. It goes utterly and completely wrong, in fact they don't even leave the drive way...

Their married best friends later have a daughter Sofie - which brings Holly & Messer together again and again. A tragedy occurs and forces the two together taking care of baby Sofie.

Holly has a fabulous wardrobe and is a pastry chef with a great little shop. A great strong and fashionable female character .

A story of growth, love, sorrow, happiness and how life isn't always in our control.

Here's the trailer for you to get a little taste...

Such a good Holiday Vacation/Snow Day flick.

This plaque from mbartstudios sums it up nicely...

Have you seen the movie? What did you think?


  1. So this is one of my all-time favorite movies. I saw it on one of our few date nights with the hubby and both of us could so relate {having a toddler of our own}--and that josh is a hotty-mc-hottypants

  2. I forgot how much I wanted to see this... thanks for the reminder! I can't wait till it's out on DVD so that I can finally watch it!


Hey - so - what do you think?